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Source Water Protection

Source water protection is about protecting the surface and ground water that supplies drinking water systems. In the Municipality of Trent Lakes there are three vulnerable areas that need drinking water protection. These areas are Well Head Protection Areas (WHPA) and Intake Protection Zones (IPZ). Alpine Village and Buckhorn Lake Estates are WHPA. The area of Kinmount is an IPZ. The Municipality's Official Plan Amendment No. 48 establishes land use policies. This ensures the protection of all municipal drinking water sources in Trent Lakes.

Permits and regulations

Source water protection regulations and policies apply to all properties in these areas.

If you are applying for a building permit or planning application, you must submit an application for a Notice to Engage in an Activity in a Vulnerable Area for a Municipal Water Supply from Otonabee Conservation

Risk management

We will assess your property and the activities to determine the impact on the water supply. Applications that need a Risk Management Plan will be done in consultation with the Risk Management Official. For more information about this process, contact your Risk Management Official at 705-745-5791 ext. 219 or visit Otonabee Conservation

Otonabee – Peterborough Watershed

See Otonabee Conservation for the Alpine Village Watershed and Buckhorn Lake Estates Watershed for more information about source water protection in those areas.

If you are applying for a building permit or planning application, you must submit an application for a Notice to Conduct Activity in a Protected Area near a Municipal Water Supply from Kawartha Conservation

Risk management

We will assess your property and the activities to determine the impact on the water supply. Applications that need a Risk Management Plan will be done in consultation with the Risk Management Official. For more information about this process, contact your Risk Management Official at 705-328-2271 or visit Kawartha Conservation

Kawartha – Haliburton Watershed

See the Kinmount Watershed for more information about source water protection around Kinmount.

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