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Trailer Parks

The 19 Trailer Parks in the Municipality of Trent Lakes form an essential part of the tourism industry, local economy, and community. Whether you're looking to add a deck or replace a trailer, there are important steps to follow to ensure you're adhering to the Ontario Building Code and Municipal Zoning By-law.

We have provided several sections below including a list of required items for all building permit submissions, the three commonly applied for permit types for trailer sites, and frequently asked questions.  Before clicking on any of the below links, its important to understand the zoning requirements for trailer sites as lot coverage will be the determining factor whether or not a permit can be applied for, or if consultation with planning staff may be required.

All submissions will require authorization from an authorized trailer park representative approving the proposed construction.


All trailer parks are designated as Tourist Commercial Special Exception Zone 1 (TC-1) unless otherwise noted.   This zoning designation governs the permitted uses and setback requirements of the park including each trailer site.  Each trailer site can only have a maximum lot coverage of 24% for structures, consideration may be given for replacement of existing structures that exceed the maximum lot coverage but must be the same size and location.  How to calculate lot coverage can be found in the Trailer Park Guide

*we advise consulting planning staff to approve a site plan for placement of a new park model trailer 

A complete permit application includes the following:

  • Application for building permit to be completed by the owner of the park or by the individual seeking the permit with an Authorization Form completed by the Park Owner.
  • Site Plan- The site plan shall be drawn to scale and legible containing:
  1. All setbacks to lot lines clearly identified
  2. Lot dimensions
  3. Location of road and road name
  4. Lot number
  5. Accurate structure locations and dimensions
  6. Setbacks from the trailer lot line to structures on adjacent lots (this requirement is to assess life safety when looking at planning applications)
  7. Driveway location- each site should be able to accommodate the park model / trailer, deck and a parking space.  Again this is a measure to for fire safety so that cars are not being parked on roads in the event an emergency takes place and the Fire Department or EMS is required to attend a site.
  8. Clearly show the location of the Park Model Unit. If the new Park Model is replacing an existing trailer or Park Model, the unit size being replaced must be provided.
  9. Clearly identify if the deck is an open deck or if a structure is proposed on top of the deck.

10. If the deck is replacing an existing deck, the existing deck is to be identified on the site plan as to the size and location.  A photo of the existing deck is to be provided as evidence of the decks existence and size. 

  • Drawings drawn to scale and legible. See further in this letter a break down of what is required for decks and new or replacement Park Models. 


Decks that require a permit and submission requirements 

All open-air decks greater than 108 sq feet and greater than one foot from the ground will require a building permit.


All open-air decks that are greater than 24 inches from average grade shall install an appropriate guard system as per SB-7 which can be found in our guide.  All guard systems not covered by SB-7 shall have the appropriate engineering documentation from the Province of Ontario.


  • Drawings submitted for a deck permit to include the following:
  1. Site plan
  2. Drawings drawn to scale and clearly legible.
  3. Foundation plan that clearly shows:

(a)  Dimensions of deck

(b)  Locations of piers- dimensions showing the distance between piers

(c)  Beam sizes

(d)   Joist sizes

(e)  Dimensions of any elements cantilevered (beams and joists)

  1. Floor plan to show the size of the proposed deck and identify if a guard is required (required when the deck floor exceeds 24” from grade), stair locations
  2. Section through the deck that shows the following:

(a)  Details of all components of the deck including joist size, beam size and location, foundation detail (see attached acceptable foundation systems for decks)

(b)  Distance from grade to deck floor

(c)  Guard system to be installed (if required ).  If guard is a wood guard, it must comply with SB-7 and if a pre-engineered guard system, the manufacturers engineering is required.


All covered porches and sunrooms shall have footings constructed in accordance with our construction guide – Acceptable Foundation Systems for Trailer Parks – All other scenarios other than option (a).


Proposals for open-air decks to be converted to sunrooms must meet the minimum side yard width of 9.8 feet Metric and meet the Acceptable Foundation Systems for Trailer Parks – All other scenarios other than option (a) to be considered.

Development Charges for park model trailers

The placement of any new park model trailer governed by CSA Z241 and the Ontario Building Code shall require a building permit and shall be subject to Development Charges.  This includes a Park Model that is replacing any type of trailer on a lot.  The Development Charges will be applied to all trailer sites unless the owner can verify that Development Charges for the trailer site have been previously paid at an earlier date.  Current Development Charges can be found on our website under the Build menu.


Development Charges shall not apply to recreational vehicles which are governed by CSA Z240 RV Series and Transport Canada – Motor Vehicle Safety Regulation. A list of recreational vehicles can be found in our Trailer Park Guide


Park Model Trailer submissions will require the make, model and a foundation pier plan diagram with the appropriate tie down requirements if applicable.


  • Drawings submitted for a new or replacement park model
  1. Site plan
  2. Make and model of the unit
  3. Park model floor plan
  4. Foundation system for park model including pier size, pier location and pad size for piers
  5. Anchorage details as required for the specific model being installed.
  6. Section of pier being installed including height of pier.


Why do development charges apply now?

Development charges By-law B2019-041 as amended Section 11 states Development charges will be imposed for park model trailers at the residential apartment dwelling unit rate established in Schedule B to this by-law.  The rate is based on per square meter basis. A credit for Development Charges will be considered if the owner can provide proof of earlier Development Charge payments.


What if I am unable to meet lot coverage?

You may discuss your proposal with Planning Staff and set up a planning pre-consultation meeting.


Why does the Municipality want everyone to apply for building permits?

Since 1976, building permits are required to be issued for all applicable projects under the Ontario building Code Act. Life safety is the key component to the Ontario Building Code and a priority to the Building Officials who enforce it.  The intent of building permits is to ensure that all structures are built as per the regulations of the code to ensure all safety measures are being addressed.


I took my deck off without a permit and now am I applying for a replacement.

We can possibly review aerial imagery to verify previously existing structures and consideration may be given to those who have undertaken construction activities without first having spoken to the Municipality. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all applicable information in the building permit submission.  If there is no evidence of what was on site, the application may be viewed as new development which may trigger a planning application.


How do I know what I need to submit a building permit?

All applicable permittable structures are listed in the above menus and the items each submission will require to be deemed complete.

Applying for a Permit

Once you have identified the permit type from the above drop down menu's and assembling the required documentation, you may head over to our Cloudpermit page to begin the process of creating a submission through our online permitting portal.  Hard copies of permits can also be dropped off at the Municipal office for staff to input into Cloudpermit,  please note that you must have a valid email address to use Cloudpermit. 

Constructing without a permit 

Any construction taking place without permits may result in Building Orders and administrative penalties.  Permit fees will be doubled once the Building Order has been complied with upon permit issuance.  The lifting of a Building Order shall be determined by our Fee's & Charges By-law and shall be paid at the time of permit issuance.

Construction that does not require a permit

Any open-air decks less than 108 square feet and less than one foot off the ground shall not require a building permit, but are still required to meet lot coverage requirements of 24% & other regulations of the Zoning By-law.

Sheds less than 160 square feet shall not require a building permit, but are still required to meet lot coverage requirements of 24% & other regulations of the Zoning By-law.

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