A complete permit application includes the following:
- Application for building permit to be completed by the owner of the park or by the individual seeking the permit with an Authorization Form completed by the Park Owner.
- Site Plan- The site plan shall be drawn to scale and legible containing:
- All setbacks to lot lines clearly identified
- Lot dimensions
- Location of road and road name
- Lot number
- Accurate structure locations and dimensions
- Setbacks from the trailer lot line to structures on adjacent lots (this requirement is to assess life safety when looking at planning applications)
- Driveway location- each site should be able to accommodate the park model / trailer, deck and a parking space. Again this is a measure to for fire safety so that cars are not being parked on roads in the event an emergency takes place and the Fire Department or EMS is required to attend a site.
- Clearly show the location of the Park Model Unit. If the new Park Model is replacing an existing trailer or Park Model, the unit size being replaced must be provided.
- Clearly identify if the deck is an open deck or if a structure is proposed on top of the deck.
10. If the deck is replacing an existing deck, the existing deck is to be identified on the site plan as to the size and location. A photo of the existing deck is to be provided as evidence of the decks existence and size.
- Drawings drawn to scale and legible. See further in this letter a break down of what is required for decks and new or replacement Park Models.