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Committees and Boards

The Municipality of Trent Lakes has established boards and committees to provide advice and recommendations to Council. Most committees include members of the public and members of Council.

The Province legislates some committees and boards. Council also creates committees to address a specific topic or facility. Council may create an ad hoc committee on a temporary basis with a specific end date.


View our council calendar to learn about upcoming committee meetings and review the meeting agendas and minutes online. All committees must provide a report to Council at least once per year. 

Our committees and boards

Each advisory committee is guided by the Terms of Reference approved by Council. 

The Ontario Planning Act establishes the authority for the Committee of Adjustment to make decisions on minor variances. The Appeals Committee considers, and makes decisions on, appeals to order issued under the Municipality's Property Standards By-law and Animal Control By-law.

Agendas and minutes

View the agendas and minutes to stay informed.

Committee members

Meet the current members of the Committee of Adjustment/Appeals Committee:

  • Mayor Terry Lambshead (Chair)
  • Councillor Peter Franzen (Vice Chair)
  • Sharon Brickman
  • Adri Eastman
  • Ed Leerdam

References and resources

Explore the references and resources related to this committee:

The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) acts as an advisory body to Council. They make recommendations to Council on environmental issues including the protection, conservation, and enhancement of natural systems and resources. Review the Terms of Reference to learn about the roles and responsibilities of the committee. 

Agendas and minutes

View the agendas and minutes to stay informed.

Committee members

Meet the current members of the Environmental Advisory Committee:

  • Councillor Carol Armstrong
  • Councillor John Braybrook
  • Lloyd Greenspoon
  • Ed Leerdam
  • Korey McKay
  • Karen Shearer
  • Ted Spence 

The Municipality of Trent Lakes contracts the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for police protection within the community. The Community Safety and Policing Act requires an OPP Detachment Board for each detachment of the OPP that provides policing in a municipality.

The Peterborough County OPP Detachment Board consists of 15 members including:

  • One appointed member of each of the following Municipal or First Nation Councils: Asphodel-Norwood Township, Curve Lake First Nation, Douro-Dummer Township, Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township, Hiawatha First Nation, North Kawartha Township, Otonabee-South Monaghan Township, Selwyn Township and Municipality of Trent Lakes;
  • Three members jointly appointed by each of the above municipalities and First Nations who is neither a member of Council nor an employee of the Municipality (Community Representative Appointments); and 
  • Three members appointed by the Minister (Provincial Appointments). The responsibilities of the Police Services Board are set out in the Police Services Act.

Councillor John Braybrook is the Council representative for Trent Lakes. The Board is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the Municipalities. 

Agendas and minutes

View the meeting agendas and minutes to stay informed. Questions related to the Board can be directed to

References and resources

Explore the references and resources related to the OPP Detachment Board:

The Trent Lakes Public Library Board operates under the authority of the Public Libraries Act, which defines the library's roles and responsibilities to the municipality and the province, and defines the services it is required to deliver.

The Act establishes the Library Board as the governing body, responsible for setting policies and directing the affairs of the Library. The Board is also responsible for hiring a CEO who is responsible for carrying out the directions of the Board and the day-to-day operations of the Trent Lakes Public Library

Board documents

Review our meeting agendas and minutes to stay informed.

Board members

Meet the current members of the Library Board:

  • Margaret Roberts (Chair)
  • Peter Raymond (Vice Chair)
  • Deputy Mayor Carol Armstrong
  • Lance Coulthard
  • Adri Eastman
  • Deborah Konecny
  • Kent Staines

Looking for information on a previous committee? Review the minutes of past meetings here

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