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Property Assessment

Property Assessments are determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). MPAC administers a uniform, province-wide property assessment system. The system is based on current value assessment in accordance with the provisions of the Assessment Act. MPAC provides municipalities with a range of services, including property assessment values. Municipalities use these values to calculate property taxes.

The Ontario government has announced that the 2020 Assessment Update has been postponed. Property assessments for the 2023 property tax year will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. This means your property assessment for the 2023 property tax year will be the same as the 2020 tax year. The assessment will change if there have been changes to your property.

In 2016, MPAC mailed a Property Assessment Notice to every property owner in the province. MPAC assessed more than five million properties in Ontario. Your 2016 Notice reflects the assessed value and classification of your property as of January 1, 2016. This information will be used as the basis for calculating your 2021 property taxes.


AboutMyProperty™ is a secure, online self-service application. This is a free service. The program provides property owners with access to property assessment information.

You can access information on your property and similar neighbourhood properties.

Information provided includes:

  • Property assessment;
  • Location;
  • Lot size; and
  • Recent sales.


Property owners can now update their school support designation through AboutMyProperty. An email notification will be sent once the change has been completed.


Every property owner or tenant in Ontario is required to support a school system, even if they do not have children or their children  currently are not attending school.

Visit MPAC's School Support Designation web page for more information.

Do you have questions about your property assessment? Contact MPAC directly at 1-866-296-6722 or visit their website for more information.

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