Tax Information
The Interim Tax Bills were sent out on February 7, 2025. If you haven't received your bill by the following two weeks, let our Finance department know by calling 705-738-3800 ext. 232. Tax bill envelopes will also contain a municipal newsletter, waste pass for transfer stations, and a shoreline protection flyer provided by the Environmental Advisory Committee.
2025 Tax instalment due dates
Property tax bills are issued twice a year: in February and July. The tax instalment due dates are:
Interim Tax Bill due dates - March 27, 2025 and May 27, 2025.
Final Tax Bill due dates - To be decided.
Penalty is applied monthly to overdue property taxes at the rate of 1.25%.
Failure to receive the tax bill does not relieve the property owner from payment of taxes or liability for penalty on late payment.
Supplementary and omitted tax bills
We may also issue supplementary and omitted bills throughout the year. These bills show any additions or improvements to your property, which increase your property's assessment. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) determines its value.
Tax certificates
The Municipality can provide regular tax certificates for $40. Tax certificates show yearly tax amounts levied, payment information, penalties accrued and outstanding account balances. They are often requested during the sale or purchase of a property.
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Lakes
760 Peterborough County Road 36
Trent Lakes, ON K0M 1A0
Phone: 705-738-3800
Toll Free: 1-800-374-4009
Fax: 705-738-3801
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