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Recycling and Garbage

The Municipality of Trent Lakes has four Transfer Station Sites located throughout the Municipality for the disposal of your waste and recycling. We do not offer curbside collection, so you'll need to dispose of your waste at one of the Transfer Stations. Learn more about:

Please contact our Public Works Department if you have any questions about garbage and recycling disposal. You may also refer to our Waste By-law.

Get a Waste Card or Access Pass

You need a Waste Card or Access Pass to visit one of the Transfer Station Sites in Trent Lakes. Learn how to get a Waste Card and Access Pass.

Cottage kits are also available to make waste disposal easy for your guests. There is a one-time waste disposal pass included in each cottage kit.

Buy Recycling and Composting Products

You can purchase a variety of recycling and composting products from the Municipal Office located at 760 Peterborough County Road 36. Check out the available products, pricing, and details on composters vs. digesters:

  • Kitchen catchers cost $5.00
  • Backyard composters cost $30.00
  • Digesters cost $60.00

Visit the FoodCycler Page for further details on FoodCyclers and accessories. 

To receive a free blue recycling bin please contact Emterra at 1-888-597-1541.

Please contact us to ensure that the product you want is available. 

Sorting Your Garbage and Recycling

If you are unsure where an item goes or if it is recyclable, you can use our recycling app. You can also download the app to your phone so you have access on the go. Download the app!

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