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Memorial Donation Program


Image of memorial plaque with text overlay that reads: Celebrate and honour the people you love. Trees, benches and picnic tables available.


If you are looking for a unique way to remember your loved ones, the Municipality of Trent Lakes Memorial Donation Program offers memorial trees, benches, and picnic tables with a donor recognition plaque installed on or near your donation.

We will work with you to find the perfect location for your generous donation after receiving a completed application. Staff will arrange for the order and installation of the memorial item of your choice. Donations are tax deductible.

Community dedications are a wonderful way to celebrate the life of a loved one or honour a family member. You may also want to acknowledge an individual, service group, organization, or business. You can dedicate a new bench or plant a tree as an individual, a family, or a service group.

Basic bench


Donate a new bench in our community.



Fee includes

  • Cost of basic bench
  • Cost of 4x6 donor recognition plaque
  • Installation including cement anchoring
  • 5 year maintenance including one replacement, if necessary

Bench details

  • Cedar or black BP Barcoboard bench
  • Please note the bench may not be exactly as shown in the photo
Green barcoboard bench

Renewal fee

After 5 years, the donor will have an option to renew maintenance.

If the bench is still in acceptable condition:

  • $600.00

If the bench is no longer in acceptable condition:

  • Full donation cost

Upgraded bench


Donate a new, upgraded bench in our community.



Fee includes

  • Cost of upgraded bench
  • Cost of 4x6 donor recognition plaque
  • Installation including cement anchoring
  • 5 year maintenance including one replacement, if necessary

Bench details

  • Cedar or green BP Deluxe bench
  • Please note the bench may not be exactly as shown in the photo
Cedar and green barcoboard bench

Renewal fee

After 5 years, the donor will have an option to renew maintenance.

If the bench is still in acceptable condition:

  • $600.00

If the bench is no longer in acceptable condition:

  • Full donation cost

Accessible picnic table


Donate a new accessible picnic table in our community.



Fee includes

  • Cost of accessible picnic table
  • Cost of 4x6 donor recognition plaque
  • Installation including cement anchoring
  • 5 year maintenance including one replacement, if necessary

Bench details

  • Cedar BP Barcoboard, square pedestal, AODA table
  • Please note the bench may not be exactly as shown in the photo
Green barcoboard accessible picnic table

Renewal fee

After 5 years, the donor will have an option to renew maintenance.

If the bench is still in acceptable condition:

  • $600.00

If the bench is no longer in acceptable condition:

  • Full donation cost

Steps to purchase

  1. Fill out Memorial Bench Donation Application Form. The completed application will be submitted to the Recreation and Facilities Department
  2. Staff will:
    • Review your application
    • Contact you for processing
    • Set up a site visit
    • Discuss your payment options
  3. Payment can be made by:
    • Cash
    • Cheque
    • Debit

Basic tree


Donate a new tree to plant at one of the parks in our community.



Fee includes

  • Cost of tree by size and type
  • Cost of 5x7 donor recognition plaque including 4x4 post in front of tree
  • Planting of tree
  • 5 year maintenance including one replacement, if necessary

Tree details

See our list of trees for details about the basic trees available at each location.

Renewal fee

After 5 years, the donor will have an option to renew maintenance.

If the tree is still living:

  • $600.00

If the tree is no longer living:

  • Full donation cost

Premium tree


Donate a new, premium tree to plant at one of the parks in our community.



Fee includes

  • Cost of tree by size and type
  • Cost of 5x7 donor recognition plaque including 4x4 post in front of tree
  • Planting of tree
  • 5 year maintenance including one replacement, if necessary

Tree details

See our list of trees for details about the premium trees available at each location.

Renewal fee

After 5 years, the donor will have an option to renew maintenance.

If the tree is still living:

  • $600.00

If the tree is no longer living:

  • Full donation cost

Steps to purchase

  1. Fill out Memorial Tree Donation Application Form. The completed application will be submitted to the Recreation and Facilities Department
  2. Staff will:
    • Review your application
    • Contact you for processing
    • Set up a site visit
    • Discuss your payment options
  3. Payments can be made by:
    • Cash
    • Cheque
    • Debit

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