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Outdoor Arenas and Rinks

Trent Lakes offers two outdoor arenas that are open year-round for both summer and winter activities. In the summer, the arena floors are available for pickle ball, ball hockey, special events, and more. In the winter, ice is available for public skating and hockey. A dedicated team of Community Volunteers maintain these arenas. You are invited to share the use of these unsupervised arenas.

Interested in volunteering? Visit our Careers and Volunteering page to apply to volunteer at a municipally owned community centres.

Arena locations


1786 Lakehurst Road, Buckhorn

Rink Size

140 ft x 70 ft


  • Portable toilets
  • Warming room
  • Pay-per-use lighting
  • Player's benches
  • Spectator bleachers
  • Hockey nets
  • Basketball nets
  • Pickle Ball courts (Summer)



18 Community Complex Drive, Trent Lakes

Rink Size

120 ft x 60 ft


  • Portable toilets
  • Skate shed
  • Lighting
  • Basketball net
  • Hockey nets

Buckhorn Old-timers Hockey

Bruce Averill


Trent Lakes Recreation Association

Bruce Averill

Facebook Group

Arena User's Responsibility Code

The use of an arena has an inherent risk. Any participation is at the user's own risk. The Municipality is not responsible for the well-being of the user or their property.

  • CSA approved hockey helmets are mandatory for any skater under the age of 18. They are strongly recommended for any skater over the age of 18. Bicycle helmets do not provide adequate protection. Neck guards and face masks are strongly recommended for hockey players.
  • Acting in a manner that endangers or interferes with other user's safety or pleasure is not permitted.
  • Supervision of children under the age of 16 is required and supervision of users under the age of 18 is strongly recommended. Abusive language and aggressive behaviour are not permitted. Be respectful and responsible.
  • Report any vandalism to the Recreation and Facilities Department by email or phone at 705-738-3800 ext. 221. Report serious misconduct to the police.

User Group Insurance

It is highly recommended that any user group utilizing Municipal spaces obtain user group insurance. User group insurance is generally low-cost and provides organizers and those participating with protection in the case of an incident. User groups are welcome to obtain insurance privately or through the Municipality by clicking here.

When do the ice rinks open?

The opening of natural ice outdoor rinks is dependent on the weather. Consistent, cold weather (-10°C or below) is required for at least a week to form a usable ice surface. Several ice floods are needed at cold temperatures for the ice surface to freeze. Volunteers track the weather conditions. When the conditions are favourable, they try to flood the outdoor rinks. Historical seasons have been from approximately December 21 to March 14. These dates are an estimate only. The Municipality and Volunteers cannot guarantee a start date.

Arena maintenance

A dedicated group of volunteers perform the arena maintenance. Use the facility at your own risk. Maintenance may occur daily depending on snow fall and use. After a snow fall, volunteers clear the snow and flood the surface as time permits. If a green flag is flying, the ice surface is open. If a red flag is flying, the ice surface is closed.


You can turn on the lighting at the Buckhorn Outdoor Sports Pad by inserting loonies into the coin machine in the warm room. Each loonie inserted will allow for one hour of lighting. The lighting goes off between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

The Cavendish Outdoor Rink has dedicated lighting that is switch operated and free to use. You can operate the lighting by turning on the switch on the blue pole on the West side of the Rink (opposite the parking lot).

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