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Community Profile

 Unless otherwise stated all sources of information are Statistics Canada, 2022.

Population Profile

Infographic Trent Lakes Population 6,439


Population and dwelling count  
Population in 2020 6,439
Total permanent households  2,952
Total private dwellings 5,750
 Population density per square kilometre  7.7 sq. km.
 Land area (square kilometre)  833.72 
Infographic that the median age is 58

Median Age - is the middle where half the population is above that age and half the population is below that age in Trent Lakes.

Infographic that average age is 51

Average Age - is the average age of all the ages (100%) of the Trent Lakes population


Age Group Percentage
0 to 14 years 9.9
15 to 64 57.8
65 years and over 32.4
85 yeas and over 2.6


Labour Force Activity Total Male Female
Population 15 years and older 6,156 3,124 3,031
In the Labour Force 3,224 1,724 1,496
Employed 2,970 1,644 1,326
Unemployed 254 83 170
Participation Rate 52.4 55.3 49.4
Employment Rate 48.3 52.6 43.7
Unemployment Rate 7.9 4.8 11.4
Average After-tax Income in 2020 46,360 51,700 40,720


Infographic most used method of transportation is motor vehicle
Trent Lakes is a rural area with an abundance of forested Crown Land. A motor vehicle is a required method of transportation due to travel distances for services, work and other purposes.


Currently there is no available public transit system in Trent Lakes. Trent Lakes is also not part of a passenger rail system or airport facility. Nearby Peterborough has available public transit, GO Train connection and an airport with passenger and freight services.

Traditionally Trent Lakes has been a commute and cottage haven for residents seeking a peaceful rural, or adventurous outdoor life. Residents can often relax anytime after work on a week day with activities normally reserved only for cottagers on weekends. Cottagers enjoy more time enjoying summer activities and less time on the road than other cottage centres. 

Driving distance
Location Time
From Peterborough 45 minutes
From Toronto 2 hours
From Ottawa 3 1/2 hours

Quality of life


All weather data sourced from Environment Canada, December 2020

 Infographic annual yearly rainfall 873 mmInfographic annual snowfall 147 mmInfographic highest temperature 33 celsiusInfographic lowest temperature -28 Celsius


Month Celsius High Celsius Low
January 5.9 -28.4
February 10.3 -23.8
March 9.6 -20.7
April  19.3 -8.1
May 24.4 0.7
June 30.2 3.2
July 33.2 8.8
August 30.4 6.7
September 29.4 2.7
October 29.1 -2.8
November 10.7 -20.3
December 0.0 -7.9


Month Millimetre (mm)
January  65.1
February  53.0
March 70.9
April  109.9
May  103.0
June 79.9
July 54.9
August 71.4
September 41.0
October 142.0
November  47.3
December 35.0


Month Centimetre (cm)
 January  38.9
February   28.8


April   6.1
 October  1.4
November   13.9
December   34.3

Contact Us

Municipality of Trent Lakes
760 Peterborough County Road 36
Trent Lakes, ON K0M 1A0

Phone: 705-738-3800
Toll Free: 1-800-374-4009
Fax: 705-738-3801

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