Managing your food waste is convenient and easy when you have the FoodCycler. In a matter of hours, your food waste will turn into a soil amendment, full of nutrients, that you can use in your gardens. Managing your food waste at home will reduce your garbage and may reduce your trips to the Transfer Station.
FoodCycler Units
We are now sold out of FoodCycler units for the foreseeable future. However, accessories will remain available for purchase at the Municipal Office (see below)!
FoodCycler Accessories
The following items can be purchased from the Municipal Office:
- Refillable filter packs for FoodCycler Unit. Only a one-time purchase required to convert to the refillable system. (includes 2 refillable filters and 2 carbon packs) - $22.60
- Box of carbon packs - $56.50
- Spare FoodCycler bucket - $50.00
About the FoodCycler
Founded in 2011, Food Cycle Science is a Canadian company that produces residential and commercial devices that use electricity to quickly compost food waste into a finished compost product.
The FoodCycler is easy to use and only requires one cubic foot of space and a power outlet to get started. Simply toss your food scraps into the bucket, press the button, and you’re done. The FoodCycler breaks down food waste into a tenth of its original volume and creates a dry, sterile, and nutrient-rich soil amendment you can use to enrich your garden soil. The carbon filtration system eliminates odours, making it perfect for indoor use.
Using electricity, the device dries and grinds food waste (fruit cores, vegetable peels, dairy, chicken bones, and more) into a dry, odourless, nutrient-dense by-product that is significantly reduced in weight and volume from its unprocessed state. The end product is free from bacteria, and weed seeds and food-borne pathogens are eliminated in the process.
Benefits of the FoodCycler:
- Reduced food waste going into the landfill which supports local climate change goals;
- Reduced amount of weekly garbage;
- Increased diversion rates;
- Reduced greenhouse emissions;
- Reduced trips to the transfer station and excess waste fees.
The FoodCycler can complement your backyard composting or digesters.
About the FoodCycler pilot program
Trent Lakes offered two successful FoodCycler pilot programs. Through these two programs, 400 FoodCycler units were offered to Trent Lakes residents at a subsidized rate. Participants tracked their usage for 12 weeks in order to provide high-quality data and feedback that will be used to develop future organic waste diversion programs.
With 400 FoodCycler units in use by residents, an estimated 96 tonnes of food waste is diverted per year from the landfill.
The retail cost of a FoodCycler is $499.99. Thanks to a subsidy from Impact Canada, and a subsidy from Trent Lakes, participants purchased the FoodCycler FC-30 for just $169.50.
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Lakes
760 Peterborough County Road 36
Trent Lakes, ON K0M 1A0
Phone: 705-738-3800
Toll Free: 1-800-374-4009
Fax: 705-738-3801
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