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Private Road Grant

Some roads in the Municipality of Trent Lakes are not municipally owned or maintained. To offer support, we assist eligible private road associations with capital improvements and maintenance costs through the Private Road Grant Program.

What Does the Grant Cover?

The grant can cover costs related to:

  • road grading
  • tree removal and trimming
  • noxious weed control
  • gravel
  • dust control
  • roadside mowing
  • road drainage
  • road reconstruction
  • road surfacing

Road Associations are required to provide specific information that is outlined within the Private Road Grant Policy and Application.


Please read the following policy to ensure you have the required information to complete the application form.

Save and fill out the fillable form on your computer, then email the completed application to

Due Date

Due date for the application is September 30 each year. Funds will be awarded the following spring for successful applicants. Late applications will not be accepted.

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