The Applicant shall take all reasonable measures to protect persons and property from injury or damage and shall be responsible for all losses and damage which may arise as a result of the work. Further, the Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality and its employees from and against all claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings which may be brought against or made by third parties, directly or indirectly arising or alleged to arise out of the performance of or the failure to perform the work.
Upon receipt of a Road Occupancy Permit for the closure or partial closure of any highway, the applicant shall:
a) For all road closures longer than one week in duration, provide or cause to be provided signs along all approaches with the details of the closure including road name, dates of closure and contact information of Applicant. Signs must be in place a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the intended commencement of the road closure and in a location approved by the Director;
b) Provide or cause to be provided, all signs, barricades, flag persons, traffic control devices and the use or operation of other persons and equipment as required for the proper and safe movement and control of pedestrians and traffic in the area, prior to the commencement of and at the location of the closure or occupancy. The safety of pedestrians and motorists will be the sole responsibility of the Applicant until all work is finalized and any and all repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality;
c) Ensure that access for emergency vehicles, to all public and private properties, is available at all times;
d) Maintain full access by vehicles and pedestrians, including pedestrians with special needs, at all times to public and private properties and shall keep such access free and clear of all mud, debris and other materials. In the event that access cannot be maintained to any private lands, the Applicant shall have written authorization of that property owner and such authorization shall be made available for inspection by the Director or Officer;
e) Not place or store or permit the placement or storage of any material or storage bin on a Highway where it creates a real or potential hazard for pedestrians or vehicles;
f) Not place, store or permit the placement of storage bins, moving pods, material or any equipment to occupy the travelled portion of a Highway or any portion of the grass boulevard area abutting private property between November 1st and March 30th each year;
g) Not place, store or permit the placement of storage bins, moving pods, material or any equipment to occupy the travelled portion of a Highway if the area is designated as a no stopping or no parking zone;
h) Follow all requirements of Federal, Provincial and Municipal Health and Safety Regulations, Acts and By-laws;
i) Post a copy of the Road Occupancy Permit at the work site in a visible location and shall, produce the Permit at the request of the Director, Officer or other Municipal staff;
j) Identify the existence and location of all underground and above ground utilities at or adjacent to the work site and protect those utilities from damage during the work;
k) Ensure all open excavations are suitably barricaded and marked to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles;
l) Expeditiously carry out completion of all work;
m) Permanently repair all damaged areas of the right-of-way no later than 7 days after completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. In the event that the Applicant disturbs any portion of the right-of-way between December 15th and April 30th, a temporary repair of the damaged area may be made provided that a permanent repair is completed no later than May 31st to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Applicant shall maintain the temporary repair until the permanent repair is made;
n) Assume all liability for repairs of any nature to all disturbed areas for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of the permanent repairs to the satisfaction of the Municipality;
o) In the event that the work cannot be carried out within the time set out in the Permit, notify the Municipality in writing of the additional time required and the reason thereof, and shall obtain an extension of the Permit, at no charge, if approved by the Director.
The Municipality may revoke a Permit under the following circumstances:
a) The Permit has been issued in error by the Municipality;
b) The Permit does not conform with this policy or any other applicable regulation or legislation;
c) The Permit has been issued as a result of false, mistaken, incorrect, or misleading statements, information or undertaking on the Application; or
d) The Permit holder, or any person employed by the Permit holder to do any Work for the Permit holder, fails or refuses to comply with any or all conditions placed on the Permit or comply with any of the information contained in the Application.
Where a breach of any provision of this policy causes a Permit to be revoked or withdrawn, no portion of the cost of such Permit will be refundable.