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Private Well Owners

The Municipality of Trent Lakes provides water sample bottles to any resident that owns a private well and wants to ensure their water is safe to drink. Testing your well water is the best way to stay informed about the safety of your drinking water. For more information on how often you should test your private well water, visit Peterborough Public Health.

Water testing kits

Water sample bottles are available for pick up at the Trent Lakes Municipal Office. Once you've collected a water sample, you can drop it at the Municipal Office between April and November at the following times:

  • Tuesday's before 10 a.m. 
  • Thursday's before 10 a.m.

We send the samples to the Peterborough Public Health Laboratory to be tested for bacteria.


There is no cost to residents to use this program.

Collecting a water sample

For more information on how to collect your water sample, please visit Public Health Ontario.


You can call Public Health Ontario for your water testing results. If you say on your form that you would like to receive your results by mail, they will be mailed to the address listed on the form.

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