Safety Regulations
Transfer Station Attendants follow numerous procedures to comply with legislation and to ensure the personal safety of residents and staff. If you visit a Transfer Station Site, you are doing so at your own risk. To keep yourself and the community safe, you must:
- Always obey signs and directions of Transfer Station Attendants
- Declare the material you are bringing in for disposal
- Ensure animals are not permitted to exit the vehicle
You also need to ensure your load is secure and tarped:
- Ensure all items on your vehicle/trailer are secure, to avoid items falling out and causing an accident
- Unsecured loads could earn you a fine under the Highway Traffic Act
- Tarping your load helps to reduce litter
What is a Transfer Station?
Transfer Stations are a waste collection site operated by the Municipality of Trent Lakes in accordance with Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) regulations and County and Municipal By-laws.
Waste and recyclable materials are collected at the Transfer Station Sites and then transferred to a waste disposal site or recycling facility.
Use At Your Own Risk
The Municipality of Trent Lakes makes every effort to ensure Transfer Station Sites are safe. The Municipality is not responsible for injury or damage to vehicles caused by the use of the site.
Site Compliance
Transfer Stations operate under an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). Along with these regulations, the sites operate in accordance with the Municipality of Trent Lakes Waste Disposal By-law as well as the County of Peterborough Waste By-law.