The Municipality of Trent Lakes Zoning By-law 2014-070 regulates how a property can be developed and implements the objectives and policies of the Official Plan. You may also view B2015-085 - Expansion to or Replacement of Existing Buildings for alteration to dwellings in the 30 meter water yard.
Our Zoning By-law states exactly:
- How land may be used
- Where buildings and other structures can be located
- The types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- The lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street
How do I find the zoning for my property
You can find the zoning regulations for your property by:
- Viewing the zoning maps
- Viewing the County of Peterborough Public GIS Website
- by contacting our Planning Department at 705-738-3800 ext. 246.
Once you've found your zoning, you may refer to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law to find out the permitted uses for the zoning designation.
If you are interested in building or renovating in the Municipality, please check the Zoning By-law regulations for your property before applying for a building permit.
Zoning maps
View the our zoning maps:
- Map 1 – Galway Ward: Crystal Lake, White Lake, Birch Bark Lake, Kinmount Lake, Conley Lake
- Map 2 – Galway Ward: Silver Lake, Bass Lake, Loom Lake
- Map 3 – Cavendish Ward: Salmon Lake, Fortesque Lake, Pencil Lake, Picard Lake, Greens Lake
- Map 4 – Cavendish Ward: Mississagua Lake, Catchacoma Lake, Gold Lake
- Map 5 – Harvey Ward: Pigeon Lake, Nogies Creek, Miskwaa Ziibi River
- Map 6 – Harvey Ward: Pigeon Lake, Buckhorn Lake, Sandy Lake, Big Bald Lake
- Map 7 – Harvey Ward: Mississagua Lake
- Map 8 – Harvey Ward: Lower Buckhorn Lake, Lovesick Lake
- Map 9 – Harvey Ward: Sandy Point Development
- Map 10 – Harvey Ward: Harvey Business Park
Changes to the Zoning By-law
If you are unable to meet setbacks or requirements set out by the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, you may need to apply for a Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendment.
Letter of Compliance & Septic Information Requests
When a property is listed for sale, the lawyer acting on behalf of the purchaser will request a letter of compliance for zoning and work orders. The fees for these requests as of May 21st, 2024 are as follows:
Zoning Compliance Letter only : $50.00
Zoning & Building Letter: $95.00
Septic System File Search: $35.00
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Lakes
760 Peterborough County Road 36
Trent Lakes, ON K0M 1A0
Phone: 705-738-3800
Toll Free: 1-800-374-4009
Fax: 705-738-3801
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