Event by RTO8:
RTO8 is pleased to host a virtual cultural training session in partnership with Curve Lake First Nation and the Curve Lake Cultural Centre, designed for tourism partners in the Kawarthas Northumberland region.
This training session will run approximately 90 minutes and will be facilitated by Eliza Braden-Taylor: Cultural Interpreter, Curve Lake First Nation.
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 or Tuesday, February 10th, 2025
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Introduction to Michi Saagiig In Curve Lake: With a focus on land-connection, this presentation is a brief overview of who we are as Michi Saagiig Anishinaabe people in Curve Lake First Nation, and the teachings that guide us in how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. We discuss a very brief history of Curve Lake as a reservation and the contemporary treaties that impact the people and land in this area. For the bulk of the presentation, we spend some time learning about the importance of our traditional language, traditional clan system, and the 7 Grandfather Teachings, while discussing the way these teachings continue to influence us as modern Anishinaabeg and ensure we all go forward in a good way.
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